Wednesday, June 15, 2005


There is a God

HMV, the largest music chain in Canada, has pulled Alanis Morissette's records from its shelves:

"As of June 13, HMV will be removing all Alanis products from our stores, consistent with the views of the majority of our customers, and will be returning all Alanis product to the record company," the U.K.-based retailer's CEO, Humphrey Kadaner, wrote in an email to Canadian news outlets last week.

Maybe Milli Vanilli and Denis Leary will be joining Alanis at Starbucks soon.

I still get my morning coffee at Starbucks because the only independent coffee house en route to work is absolutely terrible.

The location I frequent recently had to remodel to accomodate the new CD burning stations.

I think the marketing is directed at the preteen set that has taken up drinking frappucinos before and after school. They are the only one's I have noticed using the service.
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