Monday, September 11, 2006


OpenID for Review Comments

In Amazon still doesn't get links, Adina Levin writes
One of the persistently frustrating things about Amazon's reader reviews is that they don't have permalinks. Reviewers can't respond to other reviews, or even bring in references to reviews of other books. This prevents people from talking to each other. It prevents flamewars, and it prevents community.
Bingo! What would also be cool is if people could leave comments without registering for the site but with an open identity! An open id is a cross-web site identity which doesn't lock you into one provider who gets to watch you login into every site. OpenID is pretty simple to set up. I have an OpenID for I like that my blog is my ID. If you would like to do the same, check out OpenID is Just Too Easy. You can make it any of your URLs you like.

Adina's review comments suggestion (with OpenID) is available on Stuffopolis now. Here's my review of the Long Tail by Wired's Chris Anderson and the nifty OpenID login through which non-registered guests can leave comments!

you have convinced me.

I am now known on the internets as:
if you want to be known as your blog url, put the following inside your head tags in your template page and republish:

<link rel="openid.server" href="" />
<link rel="openid.delegate" href="" />
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